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Addressing Economic Migration Through Ending Intergenerational Poverty


Global Goal 17 is tackling the root causes of economic migration by addressing intergenerational poverty through comprehensive educational support. By focusing on children living under 60% of the median income in their respective countries, we aim to provide sustainable solutions that reduce the necessity for economic migration.

Economic Migration and Poverty:

Economic migration often stems from a lack of opportunities in home countries, compelling individuals and families to seek better prospects elsewhere. This migration is frequently driven by poverty, inadequate education, and limited access to economic resources.

Global Goal 17’s Strategy:

Our approach centers on breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty by directly supporting the education of children from disadvantaged backgrounds. We believe that empowering these children with quality education and holistic development opportunities can create long-term economic stability and reduce the need for migration. Here’s how:

1. Access to Quality Education:

Providing Scholarships and Resources

By offering scholarships and educational resources to children from low-income families, we ensure they have the necessary tools to succeed academically.

Improving School Infrastructure:

Investing in school infrastructure, including digital resources and learning materials, creates a conducive learning environment.

2. Holistic Development Programs:

Integrating Sports and Life Skills:

Our programs go beyond academics to include sports, health education, and life skills training, fostering well-rounded development.

Mental Health Support:

Providing mental health support ensures that children can overcome personal challenges and focus on their education.

3. Community Engagement and Support:

Involving Local Leaders:

Collaborating with community leaders, teachers, and parents ensures that the support system is comprehensive and locally relevant.

Building Sustainable Models:

Developing sustainable educational models that can be replicated in various regions ensures long-term impact.

4. Economic Empowerment:

Vocational Training:

Offering vocational training and career guidance helps children transition from education to employment, reducing economic disparities.

Entrepreneurship Programs:

Encouraging entrepreneurial skills and providing micro-financing options for youth to start their own businesses creates local economic opportunities.

5. Advocacy and Policy Support:

Influencing Policy:

Working with governments to advocate for policies that support inclusive education and poverty reduction.

Public Awareness Campaigns: Raising awareness about the importance of education in combating poverty and preventing economic migration.

Impact on Economic Migration:

By addressing the root causes of economic migration, Global Goal 17’s approach aims to:

Reduce the Need for Migration: Providing education and economic opportunities locally reduces the need for individuals to seek better prospects abroad.

Enhance Local Economies: Educated and skilled individuals contribute to the local economy, creating a more prosperous community.

Improve Quality of Life: With access to education and economic resources, families can achieve better living standards, reducing the push factors for migration.


Global Goal 17’s comprehensive strategy to end intergenerational poverty through direct educational support is a sustainable solution to economic migration. By empowering children from disadvantaged backgrounds, we are not only transforming individual lives but also contributing to the economic stability and development of entire communities. This approach aligns with our mission of creating a world where every child has the opportunity to thrive in their home country, ultimately reducing the need for economic migration.

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